
How Much You Love Coffee Could Be Dictated By Your Genes

Masson  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Masson - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Coffee is a beverage that is enjoyed globally. Coffee beans originated in Ethiopia, but they are now cultivated in various regions all over the world.

For many people, a morning cup of coffee is a must. Without the caffeinated brew, they might feel like they won’t be able to function throughout the day.

Others can forgo a cup easily since, to them, the bitter, thin liquid tastes like nothing more than roasted bean juice.

Aside from offering you a boost of energy in the mornings, drinking coffee can serve as a social activity. However, not everyone loves coffee, and the reason why that is might be dictated by your DNA.

Researchers from the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University in Ontario, Canada, and the University of California, San Diego, delved into large databases of genetic data from 23andMe, a U.S.-based DNA diagnostics company, and the U.K. Biobank to determine if there was a link between DNA and cravings for caffeine. They also conducted surveys to measure people’s levels of coffee consumption.

“We used this data to identify regions on the genome associated with whether somebody is more or less likely to consume coffee,” said Hayley Thorpe, the lead author of the study.

“And then identify the genes and biology that could underlie coffee intake.”

After conducting their analysis, the researchers found that certain genetic variants did have an influence on coffee consumption. They also discovered these same variants were associated with obesity and substance abuse.

“It is widely believed that use of one substance heightens risk for use of another and that there are common genetic factors for any substance use,” the researchers said. “Coffee does not appear to be exempt from this.”

Masson – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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