
His Wife Said She Could Easily Find Someone More Attractive Than Him If She Wanted To But That She’s Worried No One Would Treat Her The Same Way

Prostock-studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you finally decide to tie the knot, you never want to feel like you’ve “settled.” After all, the thought of wondering what could have been or how much better your life might’ve turned out is enough to haunt you for decades.

However, what’s arguably worse is finding out that your spouse feels like they settled for you. That’s enough to knock the wind right out of your sails.

Unfortunately, this 26-year-old guy recently learned that his wife, who is 28, kind of thinks that about him, too.

Just the other day, she apparently made a remark about how she could “easily” find a partner who is much more attractive than him if she wanted to.

“But she’s afraid that no one would treat her the same way I do,” he revealed.

The worst part? His wife claimed to have meant this as a compliment! Understandably, though, he didn’t take it as such.

When his wife made this comment, he was actually talking about his hair loss since his hairline has, unfortunately, been receding. Then, he asked if she still found him attractive, and that was supposed to be her supportive response.

After hearing his wife say that, he straight-up told her that she didn’t make him feel better whatsoever. Rather, her remark just made him feel worse about himself.

At that point, his wife tried to backtrack and swore she didn’t mean it like that. Instead, she apparently wanted to emphasize how much she appreciates the way he treats her.

Prostock-studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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