Categories: Relationships

His Wife Got Fired For Punching Her Boss In An Airport, So He’s No Longer Buying Her A Pricey Push Present

Bre Avery Zacharski

This man and his wife, Ashley, just welcomed their daughter into the world. Back when Ashley was still pregnant, though, he promised to buy her a pricey piece of jewelry with their daughter’s birthstone for a push present.

He knows it’s kind of cringe-worthy to call something a push present, but he wanted to get his wife something to acknowledge the sacrifice she made giving birth.

Right after they had the push present discussion, Ashley got fired from her job because she literally punched her boss in the face while at the airport. Ashley gave her boss a black eye and now has criminal charges against her.

“It has been very stressful to lose her income while expecting a child and to have to go to court,” he explained.

“Now she has an assault charge on her record, and I worry about her ability to find employment. The assault has been a source of contention because Ashley feels she did nothing wrong and her boss provoked her…”

It’s important to rewind here and set the stage between Ashley and her boss. The two women got along like cats and dogs because Ashley was gunning for her boss’s job, and everyone at their company knew it.

Ashley’s boss felt Ashley was entitled and full of herself and had to work her way up. On the day of the incident, Ashley and her boss were at the airport along with her boss’s husband since Ashley’s boss won an award on their work trip.

Their flight continued to get delayed, and they all weren’t in good moods. Ashley was sitting on the floor of the airport to use a cellphone charger, and her boss accidentally brushed Ashley in the head with her foot when she was crossing her legs.

Ashley maintains this wasn’t accidental, and it was actually on purpose. Ashley’s boss then was sitting on her husband’s lap and fell asleep with a milkshake in her hand.

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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