
His Wife Got Fired For Punching Her Boss In An Airport, So He’s No Longer Buying Her A Pricey Push Present

Ashley’s boss spilled the milkshake all over Ashley’s head when she nodded off, and then Ashley jumped up and attacked her boss.

Circling back to the push present, he chose not to buy it for Ashley after all, as he thought spending money on expensive jewelry after she lost her job in such an ugly way wasn’t a great idea.

While they have money saved up and he has a decent salary, he doesn’t think he should reward his wife at all in light of what she did at the airport.

“Our daughter is a month old and Ashley mentioned that I didn’t buy her the gift we had agreed upon,” he continued.

“I told her the truth of my reasoning and she began to cry. She said I was being [mean] and punishing her when she has already been punished by the loss of her career.”

He’s left wondering if he should buy Ashley the promised push present. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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