
His Wife Asked For A Separation After Admitting She’s No Longer In Love With Him, But Now She Wants Him Back

Ivan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It was seven years ago when this 41-year-old man quit his job so his 38-year-old wife would have the ability to pursue her dream career in a tiny town.

He moved away from his friends and his family and made a lot of sacrifices for his wife. Then two years ago, his wife landed an enormous promotion at work that was located an hour away from their little town.

She was given a house to live in, along with the promotion. Two months into her promotion, she broke his heart after admitting she’s no longer in love with him.

“[She] said, “I love you, like how I love a friend or my favorite piece of furniture,” he explained. “I did the dumb thing and begged and pleaded with her to stay and try.”

“She said she would try, but no therapy and she hated how I worked nights. I changed to a day job, and she said that it didn’t work.”

“So while I worked in town and looked after the kids during the week, she would come home on the weekends. Sometimes, saying “I love you,” spending time with me, and cuddling. Then, for a month or two, she would be cold and distant. If I tried to talk about us, she would shut down.”

That was really the beginning of the roller coaster ride for him, as his wife played with his emotions.

The house in town was rented in his wife’s name, and he made less money working a day job, so he never moved out to get his own place.

His wife started coming back home less and less, and then he heard through their small town’s grapevine that his wife was partying and drinking like crazy.

Ivan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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