
His Stepson’s Girlfriend Is Living With Their Family And Expects Him To Change His Lifestyle To Make Her More Comfortable

“Their next suggestion was to allow Liv to cook vegan meals for us so that we didn’t eat so much meat all the time. She offered to do grocery shopping and meal planning to provide vegan meals for us instead of our usual meals. Finally, they asked if I could remove the mounts from the walls of the house until they go back to school in 6 weeks.”

After he thought Ben and Liv were done, he asked if he was finally allowed to speak up, and they said he was free to do so.

He told Ben and Liv that his response to what they outlined is a hard no. While he appreciates Liv’s offer to help cook, and she can make food for everyone in the house if she feels like it, he’s not changing how he eats for one single person.

He also made it clear that he’s not going to accommodate all of the other requests. His wife jumped in and mentioned it wouldn’t do any harm to try out what Ben and Liv asked for to see if it worked out.

His wife then said it’s only six more weeks that they would have to change their lifestyles until Ben and Liv go back to college, and change won’t harm anyone.

“I told all 3 of them that if they want to change the way they live, they are free to do so,” he said.

“But they are not going to force me to change the way I live in my own home for a temporary guest. I told them if that means I cook separate meals for myself, so be it. But the mounts stay, and if I want a beer or a glass of wine, I’m going to have one.”

“All 3 of them think I am being unreasonable and that they aren’t asking too much of me for a short period of time.”

He’s left wondering if it is wrong of him to want to bow down to what Liv wants. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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