
His Stepson’s Girlfriend Is Living With Their Family And Expects Him To Change His Lifestyle To Make Her More Comfortable

Volodymyr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man’s 20-year-old stepson, Ben, is currently on his summer break from college. A month back, Ben asked if his girlfriend Liv could come stay in their home for the remainder of the summer, since she’s having a hard time with her own family.

He didn’t love the idea since they already have two little kids in their house (9 and 11), and adding Liv to their living situation would make it tight on space for sure.

His wife can’t say no to Ben, so she dismissed his worries and allowed Liv to move in until college starts again in the fall.

“There have been a few issues that have come up since Liv came, pretty much all of which have to do with me,” he explained.

One of the biggest issues Liv has with her own parents is that they are alcoholics. He does like to drink occasionally with dinner and enjoys a couple of cocktails on the weekends, and this triggers Liv. She doesn’t like that he drinks with the little kids in the home.

The second issue Liv has is that she’s a vegan, and they do consume a fair amount of meat in their household.

Nearly every single meal they make has meat in it. He also likes to hunt, so they eat meat that he’s brought home. Additionally, he has taxidermied animals in his house, which really makes Liv uneasy.

“Ben and Liv sat down with my wife and me this past weekend and offered some suggestions to help make Liv’s time here easier,” he said.

“Their first suggestion was that if I want to drink, I should do it in private and not around the kids. I tried to interject when they suggested this, but they asked me to let them finish before saying anything.”

Volodymyr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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