Categories: Weddings

His Sister Went Out Of Her Way To Mess Up His Proposal, So Now He’s Not Inviting Her To His Wedding

Bre Avery Zacharski

She loves stealing the spotlight and has been known to fake fainting amid parties to get all eyes on her.

On one occasion, his sister ruined his girlfriend’s birthday party on purpose by pulling the fire alarm, which made everyone panic.

So it’s not all too surprising that his sister pulled the stunt she did during his proposal. Now that he’s beginning to plan his wedding, he and his now-fiancée are deciding against inviting his sister.

He and his fiancée want their wedding day to only be about the two of them, and they would like to avoid drama at all costs.

“When my family found out, they were furious,” he said. “My parents called me heartless, and my sister is playing the victim, saying I’m tearing the family apart over a “little joke.”

He’s beginning to doubt leaving his sister off the guest list is the right thing to do after all. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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