
His Sister Went Out Of Her Way To Mess Up His Proposal, So Now He’s Not Inviting Her To His Wedding

rh2010 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 29-year-old man recently proposed to his 28-year-old girlfriend. The moment was supposed to be one of the happiest and most special times in his life, but it didn’t turn out the way he planned.

He picked out a romantic spot to get down on one knee: the private beach where he and his girlfriend had their first date.

He bought flowers, organized a little picnic to celebrate, and hired a photographer to hide out in order to capture everything.

As the big day arrived, his 32-year-old sister was determined to come along with him to propose. His sister stated she wanted to snap a couple of “candid” shots before he popped the question.

He hesitantly said yes to allowing his sister to tag along, as he figured her photo ideas could increase how remarkable the day was going to be.

“As we reached the spot, my sister started acting weird, making snarky comments and trying to direct the whole scene like a movie,” he explained.

“My girlfriend could sense something was off, and the mood was getting ruined. Then, out of nowhere, my sister grabbed the ring box from my pocket and yelled, “Surprise! Look what he’s going to do!” My girlfriend was shocked, and I was furious.”

“I managed to salvage the proposal somewhat, but the moment was tainted. My girlfriend said yes, but we both felt the proposal was ruined. Later, I confronted my sister, and she just laughed it off, saying she was “just trying to help” and that I was overreacting.”

Sadly, his sister has a long-standing history of destroying moments for other people in order to call attention to herself.

rh2010 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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