
His Sister Blew Up On Him And His Wife For Not Getting Her Kids Sushi, So Now His Wife Is Evicting Her

Following his sister’s out-of-the-blue blowup, his wife responded by losing it on his sister. His wife declared that his sister had to find somewhere else to live immediately, as she can’t deal with her toxicity.

His wife promised that if his sister wasn’t out in a month, she will go right to the court and child services to have her forcibly removed.

She finished her tirade by telling his sister she’s completely unfit as a mom, in addition to mentally unstable.

“My sister acted like I would protect her, and she called my wife a [mean name] and said I wouldn’t let that happen,” he added.

“I told my sister my wife can do as she wants, and it’s her home too. My sister is the one who made herself unwelcome.”

“My sister didn’t apologize but made us breakfast this morning, and my wife threw the plate of food away and told my sister 29 days.”

After breakfast, his wife left to go meet with her cousin, who is a lawyer, while his sister pretended in front of her children that she had no idea why his wife was furious.

When his wife exited their house, his sister turned around and offered up an apology to him, but he said it was too little too late.

His wife is already getting the paperwork to evict his sister drawn up, and there’s no turning back now.

He’s curious if it was rude of him to point out to his sister that she can’t say sorry to weasel her way out of this one. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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