
His Neighbor Was Diagnosed With Cancer And Asked Him To Source Thousands Of Dollars From His Friends, But He Barely Knows The Guy

Louis-Photo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is 45-years-old, and while he has a “decent” job, he’s nowhere near rich. He’s also married to his wife, who is 40, and together, they have an 8-year-old daughter.

But unfortunately, one of their neighbors was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago. And now, his neighbor keeps turning to him for financial help – even though they barely know each other.

“We were never friends. We never talked, except hi and hello when we crossed each other’s paths,” he recalled.

Then, out of nowhere, after his neighbor was diagnosed with cancer, his neighbor started asking him for money.

In the beginning, he agreed to help the guy out here and there, too, contributing a total of about $1,000.

“He only called me when he needed money. All mute other times, and he asked me not to tell anyone about the money,” he explained.

This was actually fine with him, too, and when his wife asked where the money had gone, he just told her that he had helped out their neighbor. He also made it clear that it wasn’t a loan. Instead, he’d helped out someone in need, and they probably won’t get the money back.

Well, to his surprise, his neighbor sent him another text just last night – asking for more money. On top of that, the request was even bigger this time, totaling a few thousand dollars.

Additionally, his neighbor stated that if he didn’t have that much money, he should start asking around for donations from his friends!

Louis-Photo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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