
His Fiancée Broke Off Their Engagement, So He Asked For Her Ring Back And Said She Can’t Live With Him Anymore

Alinnan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When engaged couples break up before getting married, it can be extremely sad. When it happens, the couple usually does everything they can to avoid each other and start fresh.

One man recently upset his ex-fiancée after he told her that she had to move out of his home and give him back his ring because she ended their engagement.

He and his ex-fiancée were engaged for a little while before she started complaining that they hardly saw each other because of his job. He works at his family’s restaurant, and while he may not work the most traditional hours, he still has days off and opportunities to see and spend time with her daily.

“I don’t work Sundays or Mondays, and I get to spend time with her Tuesday mornings and Saturday mornings before I go to work,” he explained.

“She felt that we barely saw each other, which is a lie. She’s been wanting me to find a new job because she felt it wasn’t fair she worked longer hours than I did.”

He often argued with his ex-fiancée about this, as she failed to recognize how frequently he saw her daily and would rather he get a new job than try to adjust her hours herself.

He even offered to get her a good job at his family’s restaurant so that they’d work similar hours and see each other all the time, but she declined, stating she didn’t feel comfortable working for his parents.

“I accepted that, and she’d still complain from time to time, but I never thought she’d break up with me for it,” he admitted.

“Well, she did. I thought we were past it, but I was wrong. When she broke up with me, I was hurt. She was apologizing but told me that with our work schedules, she didn’t see how we could get married.”

Alinnan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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