
He’s Sick Of Dishing Out Money For His Wife’s Siblings And Thinks Their Financial Issues Aren’t His Problem

opolja - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s always a shame when some people fall into the disruptive dynamic of consistently being asked to do things and hand out favors for certain relatives.

One man is upset with his wife, who wants her sister to stay in their new home every weekend, even though they moved further away for the purpose of getting some distance from her family.

He and his wife are 35 and have been married for a few months. During that time, they’ve been struggling with her relationship with her family members, particularly her siblings. 

They previously lived in her hometown but recently moved away because they were constantly being asked to do things like free babysitting, giving rides, and sending money to her relatives.

“I knew the only way to solve this was to move away,” he said.

“Fortunately, my wife found a new job she desired, and I would be closer to my office, so this was great for both of us in this aspect as well as I [work from home]. Two weeks have gone by since the move, and honestly, it was such a huge relief to not live in the same city as them anymore.”

However, their new routine didn’t last long, as a few days ago, his wife told him she wanted to allow her sister and their nephew to stay in their new apartment every weekend.

He immediately asked her why she’d want to do that if they moved to get space from her family, and she said that just because her siblings didn’t make great choices in their lives and need help, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a comfortable place to stay in when they visit.

“We aren’t even an hour and a half away; they could easily just drive back home after visiting for the day,” he explained.

opolja – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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