
He’s Sharing A Hilarious Guide To Visiting NYC In The Summer, Spoken Like A True New Yorker

Next, Dutch stresses the importance of stepping aside and ensuring you’re out of people’s way in the city. For instance, if you’re walking down a busy street like 5th Avenue and want to stop to take a picture or look up directions, step aside so you don’t interrupt the flow of human traffic.

“New Yorkers are particularly cranky in the summer because it’s hot out, so just get out of the way,” says Dutch.

Dutch also recommends using your trip to see “real New York,” meaning you must travel up and out. By this, he means that you should head uptown in Manhattan to see some great historical sights and parks and out to other boroughs like Brooklyn and Queens.

So yes, go see a Broadway show and take a picture in Times Square, but then take a moment to explore the parts of “real New York.”

This next tip is important for visiting all major cities – don’t take anything a stranger tries to hand you.

“Don’t take anything from anybody,” says Dutch.

“A mixtape, CD, nothing, okay? If somebody tries to hand you something, you just say, ‘No, I’m good. Thanks, boss,’ and keep moving. But what are you not gonna do? Stop and wonder what it is [or] make an inquiry.”

Finally, to keep you out of an ugly argument, Dutch says not to complain about New York City to a New Yorker. While New Yorkers who live in the city year-round have the right to complain about its conditions, people who only visit during certain times of the year or once every few years do not.

Then, Dutch ends his video on a sarcastic and funny note.

“Finally, my best tip of all for visiting New York in the summer,” starts Dutch.


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