
He’s Sharing A Hilarious Guide To Visiting NYC In The Summer, Spoken Like A True New Yorker

mandritoiu - - illustrative purposes only

A fun trip to New York City is on many peoples’ bucket lists. It’s understandable, as it’s one of the greatest cities in the world and houses some of the best museums, parks, and live performances.

However, some seasons are better for visiting New York than others. For instance, as someone who’s lived there for a few years, I’d recommend coming in the fall or early spring instead of the summer.

Summertime in New York, while it can have its pretty moments, can be brutal due to the humidity and crowds.

However, for many families, it’s the only time they’re able to visit because of their school schedules.

A popular TikTok creator who is also a born and raised New Yorker, Dutch (@dutchdeccc), recently made a viral video that’s a guide to visiting New York City in the summer. It’s a way to make everyone’s lives easier, both tourists and locals.

Dutch’s first tip? Minding your business when you’re out and about.

“Learn how to mind your business, okay?” says Dutch.

“If somebody’s selling chicken empanadas in the basement of a Barnes and Noble, it doesn’t concern you unless you’re buying a chicken empanada. If somebody jumped the turnstile on the train, you didn’t see it.”

If you see something a little strange on the streets of NYC in the summer, which you most likely will, just pay no mind to it. Look away and keep on moving.

mandritoiu – – illustrative purposes only

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