
He’s Refusing To Help Support His Girlfriend While She Quits Her Job To Become An Artist Because She Cheated On Him

diignat - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old man and his girlfriend, who is 25, have been together for around two years, and he thought their relationship was great.

Well, that was until he recently found out that she cheated on him with a “loser” coworker at her job.

“Honestly, this guy isn’t even in my league. Like, I’m not trying to sound arrogant, but I put in the effort – got a decent job, work out, and I’m not a complete mess,” he explained.

Anyway, when he confronted his girlfriend about the cheating, she had a breakdown and swore it was just a one-time mistake. She claimed that, in a “moment of weakness,” she cheated, and she started begging for his forgiveness.

But, while he was furious, he somehow let his girlfriend talk him into attending couples therapy with her.

Now, that was a few weeks ago, and at first, he thought they could possibly work things out in their relationship. However, during every therapy session, his girlfriend kept making it seem like he was the problem.

Apparently, she kept bringing up how he needed to be more romantic or communicate better.

“Seriously? The whole time, I’m sitting there thinking, ‘You cheated on me, and I’m the one who needs to change?'” he said.

However, his final straw was just last week when his girlfriend arrived home from work in tears and admitted that she did not find her job fulfilling.

diignat – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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