
He’s Going On A One-Month Trip To Europe With Just His Son Since He Still Resents His Wife For Cheating On Him Two Years Ago

Scanrail - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever tried to repair a relationship with someone after they hurt you, but your resentment still lingered and affected things?

One man is torn as to whether or not he should bring his wife on the European vacation he’ll take with his son because he still resents her for cheating on him two years ago.

He and his wife are in their 30s and have been married for nine years. They have a seven-year-old son together.

Two years ago, his wife admitted to cheating on him with an ex who had come into town, and the news broke his heart.

“I was devastated, and I really did not see any path to reconciliation, but I also had to take my son into account,” he said.

“My wife was extremely remorseful, and she could have kept her infidelity hidden forever, but she didn’t. I was still extremely sad and resentful, but my wife took all possible steps to reconciliation.”

While it’s been two years, and his wife has worked hard to repair their trust, he still feels resentment towards her and has “almost” forgiven her. That slight lack of forgiveness has affected certain areas of their relationship.

For instance, he’s been planning a month-long European vacation to visit his sister in Finland with his son for the last few months. While his sister is still angry at his wife and doesn’t want her to go, he can’t decide whether he wants her there.

However, his sister continued to push against the idea of his wife going, telling him she wanted sibling bonding time and that she didn’t feel comfortable around his wife because of what she did.

Scanrail – – illustrative purposes only

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