
He’s Getting Called Selfish For Not Sharing His Inheritance, But He Feels Keeping It To Himself Makes Up For How Absent His Dad Was

Volodymyr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Not that long ago, this 32-year-old man sadly lost his dad to cancer. He’s been struggling to deal with his grief, and he’s doing his very best to cope with everything.

He always thought his dad didn’t have much to his name, so he was shocked to find out his dad left everything to him, and it wasn’t a small sum.

He inherited his dad’s house, along with a ton of money. Now, back when he was five, his mom and dad got divorced.

His dad went on to remarry five years later, and he had two kids with his new stepmom. His half-siblings are currently 20 and 18.

When he was little, he did get to spend time with his dad every other weekend, but they were hardly close.

“He seemed more involved with his “new” family,” he explained. “Now that the will has been read, my stepmother and half-siblings are furious.”

“They claim my father promised them he’d “take care of everyone” and are demanding I split the inheritance equally among all three of us kids.”

“I don’t want to. While I’m not close with my half-siblings, I don’t dislike them. But I feel like this inheritance is making up for years of my dad being less present in my life.”

“Plus, I have student loans to pay off and was hoping to use some of the money for a down payment on a house.”

Volodymyr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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