
He’s Furious That His Wife Quit Her New Job After Being Unemployed For Years, Forcing Him To Go Back To Supporting Them Both Alone

This couldn’t have come at a worse time, too, since their rent was just raised – and he has no idea how he’s going to afford their home anymore.

“I’ve also been miserable at my job for years, yet I do it to get by. She couldn’t even last three months before giving up,” he added.

Furthermore, he believes it’s going to take his wife a long time – perhaps even a year – to find another job due to the terrible state of the job market in their local area.

So, in the wake of his wife’s quitting, he can’t help but feel furious.

“I’m very upset and disappointed in her that while I’ve been supporting us for years while being miserable at my job, she couldn’t even last three months to make our lives more comfortable,” he vented.

He’s since been forced to go back to working insanely hard to keep their heads above water. And now, he just doesn’t know what to do from here.

Do you think it’s fair that he’s been carrying their expenses alone for years? How would you feel in his shoes? What should he do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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