
He’s Furious That His Wife Quit Her New Job After Being Unemployed For Years, Forcing Him To Go Back To Supporting Them Both Alone

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In today’s economy, many couples simply cannot afford to not have both partners working – regardless of whether they have children or not.

With high mortgage rates, increasing rent prices, and the cost of necessities like groceries and gas inflated, it can be tough to make ends meet without two household incomes.

Yet, this 29-year-old man was making it work for four whole years. He carried the expenses of his household while his wife, who is 28, was unemployed for four long years.

But, more recently, his wife finally went back to work, and at last, he was able to come up for some air.

“The help it had on us financially was legitimately life-changing,” he admitted.

His wife didn’t land a fancy corporate job or anything, either. Rather, she just started working at a local grocery store, but money is still money – regardless of where it comes from.

After years of working hard alone, he and his wife finally started to be able to afford their bills and even put aside a small savings fund.

“I’ve been working my [behind] off for years, supporting both of us and just barely scraping by. She finally got a job, and it was great,” he explained.

However, not even three months later, everything came tumbling down. In under 90 days of working at her new job, his wife suddenly claimed that she was just “too miserable.” Afterward, she actually quit her job and decimated all of their recent financial progress.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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