
He’s Divorcing His Wife After She Said They Could Raise Her Affair Baby Together For A Fresh Start

“Instead, she wants to be focused on the pregnancy and wants to keep the baby. She told me that she saw the baby as a blessing, a way to start fresh, and that she wanted us to raise it together.”

“I was furious. I told her there was no way I was going to raise another man’s child, especially one conceived under such circumstances. I felt like I was being punished for something I had no control over. We argued heavily, and I ended up starting the divorce process. I couldn’t see any way to move past the affair and the fact that she wanted to keep the baby.”

What’s making this crazy situation even worse is that all of his friends have turned their backs on him.

They all believe he’s a terrible human being for leaving his wife while she’s dealing with trauma. They all insist he should be supporting her instead of acting in a selfish way.

He doesn’t care what his friends have to say, though their words have made his situation feel a whole lot harder.

“I don’t care. She was cheating on me before the “assault” happened,” he added. “I consider emotional cheating just as bad as physical cheating, and I couldn’t see myself staying with her after everything that happened.”

“It’s been 6 months, and she’s been constantly trying to contact me, begging me to come back and talk things through. I refuse to speak with her directly and only respond through my lawyer, which causes her additional issues.”

The court ordered a paternity test, and he is not the father of his wife’s baby. He is so upset that it’s taking a year for him to finish the divorce process. He wants to simply protect himself and move on. He does have to pay his wife alimony as he makes more money than she does, but he feels relieved he won’t be required to pay child support for a child he didn’t father.

He thinks his life couldn’t get any worse than it already is. He feels betrayed by his wife, the one person he always believed he could trust, and he feels tossed out like trash by his friends, who can’t see things from his side.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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