
He’s Divorcing His Wife After She Said They Could Raise Her Affair Baby Together For A Fresh Start

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man has a job that requires him to work outside of the country, and he’s spent the last seven months abroad.

During his time away from home, his wife, whom he’s been married to for four years now, started an emotional affair with a guy she met through the gym she goes to.

He thought his marriage was great, and while he admits he and his wife have experienced highs and lows like everyone else, he never anticipated that she would cheat on him.

His wife sent a lot of steamy messages to her affair partner, but she promised things never got physical.

“She admitted that she enjoyed the attention and kept teasing him, but she swore she never crossed the line into physical cheating,” he explained.

One evening, his wife went out with some of her friends, including her affair partner. His wife claims her affair partner drugged and assaulted her.

His wife revealed all of this to him on a phone call, so he quickly rushed home to be by her side. His wife said she had no interest in going to the police about what happened since she was terrified and didn’t want to go through any legal proceedings.

The thing is, he thinks his wife is lying to his face and that her emotional cheating escalated to something physical, so she’s trying to cover her tracks with a wild story.

“I don’t believe her,” he said. “There was enough in her texts to him to see she wanted something physical, and there were flirty texts between them after the supposed incident happened as well.”

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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