
He’s Creeped Out Since The Girl Who Works Across The Street Won’t Leave Him Alone

Tamani C/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old guy works on a farm, and directly across the street sits a cafe. He’s become friendly with the people who work there over the years.

He grabs coffee in the morning from the cafe and always takes time to stop and chat with the staff. He also goes over there and hangs out while on his work breaks.

Back in February, one of the girls who works at the cafe looks completely upset when he walked in. He asked her if she was alright, and she revealed to him that her dad suddenly passed away before she was able to make some amends.

It was close to the end of the day and raining cats and dogs, so he said he could give her a lift home.

“Since then, she has asked me for lifts home almost daily,” he explained. “I go out of my way to take her home.”

“Initially, she would just vent all of her problems to me but after a couple of months it would turn into giving me compliments.”

“A few weeks ago, one of the staff members told me she was going to ask me out on a date. I decided then to make it clear that I was not interested in anything romantically with her.”

This girl actually said thank you to him for being truthful with her about his feelings, and she mentioned she respects him.

Unfortunately, this conversation didn’t prevent this girl from texting him nonstop and coming up with excuses to spend time near him.

Tamani C/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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