
He’s Considering Leaving His Fiancée Because She Doesn’t Like His Kids Or Make Any Effort To Support Them

Daxiao Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you choose to get engaged to someone who has children from a previous marriage, you must be prepared to form the best relationship with those children you can.

While no one is perfect, it’s clear when someone is and isn’t putting in effort with kids.

One man is considering leaving his fiancée because he finally realized she doesn’t treat his sons nicely, even though he treats her daughters like they’re his own.

He and his fiancée have been together for three years, and each have children from a previous marriage. She has two daughters, and he has three sons, ages 15, 12, and five.

For a while, he thought everything was going well with their soon-to-be blended family. His boys stay with him and his fiancée when they’re not with their mom, and he has formed a good relationship with her daughters.

But recently, he’s paid much more attention to how his fiancée interacts with his boys and noticed some major red flags.

“She only interacts with my middle son [and] I’m pretty sure she doesn’t like my youngest because she hates his mom even though he’s the sweetest and most well-behaved of the three,” he explained.

His oldest is currently experiencing some mood swings since he’s going through that awkward stage.

He found this to be quite surprising, considering his fiancée treats her girls like they’re her entire world, even though they have behavioral issues of their own.

Daxiao Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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