
Her Sister Just Went Through A Messy Divorce, But She Still Won’t Allow Her Sister Or Her Kids To Move Into Her House

Additionally, Mike is battling some health issues, and his doctors encouraged him to avoid stress and stay in a peaceful environment, which she knows wouldn’t happen if Sheena’s two little kids stayed with them.

Despite all of this, she still felt a strong urge to help Sheena and support her. When she spoke to Mike, he agreed with her, telling her having Sheena and her kids would be too much. 

“Instead, I offered to help her find an affordable apartment nearby and promised to assist with childcare and job hunting,” she said.

“I even offered to help cover her first few months of rent to ease the transition. When I explained this to Sheena, she was devastated.”

Instead of taking her up on her offers, Sheena told her she was “abandoning” her in her time of need and said she was choosing Mike’s comfort over her sister’s survival.

Unfortunately, when her parents heard about the situation, they sided with Sheena and told her she needed to prioritize her family. However, she feels she has to prioritize her family with Mike first and that she’s offered Sheena plenty of alternative help.

Should she feel guilty for not letting Sheena and her kids stay with her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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