
Her Mom Told Her That Her Top Lip Is Too Small And She Needs Lip Filler, Then Called Her Too Sensitive When She Got Upset

Andrey Kiselev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Being a young adult in today’s world is tough for all kinds of reasons – social, emotional, and financial. But your family is supposed to be your solid support system, the people who lift you up and make you feel better about yourself – not worse.

So, what happens when the person you’re supposed to trust the most, your mom, makes you feel really bad about your appearance?

This 23-year-old woman is currently dealing with this same upsetting situation. Just the other day, she decided to try out a new shade of lipstick, and her mom totally obliterated her confidence.

At first, her mom just complimented the lipstick shade. Then, her mom proceeded to say that her top lip was “way too thin” for her face – claiming that she needed to get lip filler to balance out her bottom lip.

“I thought my lips were fine because I’ve always liked them, and a few people have even complimented them. I was pretty upset, but I didn’t say anything,” she recalled.

Afterward, she just went to her room, overlined her top lip with more lipstick, and went back downstairs. At that point, she decided to ask her mom if her lips looked better.

“My mom said yes and that she didn’t understand why I was upset earlier. She said I’m too sensitive, and it’s not nice for me to get upset like that,” she explained.

Honestly, though, her mom’s response just made her want to cry. She wound up telling her mom that, yes, complimenting her lips was nice.

“But the fact that she thinks I needed to alter them was hurtful, and that I always compliment her and don’t tell her she needs to change anything about herself,” she added.

Andrey Kiselev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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