
Her Mom Started Screaming At Her For Keeping Her Dad’s Affair A Secret

Anton - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Anton - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

There are few things more difficult for a child to process than finding out that one of their parents is cheating on the other. It’s even harder when they find out before the parent that’s getting cheated on.

One teenager recently upset her mom after failing to tell her about her father’s secret affair, which she had found out about four years ago.

When she was 13, she had her dad’s phone and couldn’t help but look through it.

Unfortunately, she saw things she wished she could unsee, including inappropriate and flirty messages with several women. The messages made her feel ill, and she could hardly look at her dad after that.

She kept the messages a secret and three years later, at 16, got a hold of his phone again.

“I was really curious and decided to look again [and] I honestly thought his affairs had stopped,” she said.

“I looked through some messages and found texts between him and another lady. She seemed quite young, [maybe in her] late 20s. I saw pictures of her, my father, and a boy who seemed to be about two to three years old.”

After putting a few things together, she figured out that her dad had a girlfriend and another kid. This was especially shocking, considering his relationship with her mom seemed to be strong and thriving at the time.

She had so many questions and was horrified by what she saw, yet she couldn’t bring herself to bring it up to either of her parents.

Anton – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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