
Her Husband Asked For A Divorce Since Their Spark Is Gone, Then Admitted He Has Feelings For His Coworker

WavebreakMediaMicro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One month ago, this 30-year-old woman’s 30-year-old husband asked for a divorce. He said he feels like their spark is gone and like he lacks an emotional connection in their marriage.

Her husband stated several times that he has checked out of their relationship and can no longer picture being with her, even though he loves her.

They’ve been together for a decade, by the way. After her husband confessed this all to her, he hemmed and hawed about divorcing in the next few weeks.

He maintained that he doesn’t exactly want to divorce her but feels like it’s in both of their best interests to pursue this.

“But I still want to work things out or at least try,” she explained. “I feel really hurt by everything, and I’m not sure what to do or how to go about this with him.”

To make matters worse, yesterday, her husband then revealed that he has developed feelings for one of his female coworkers.

While he promises he hasn’t cheated in a physical way, he’s crushing on this other woman hard.

Her husband says he feels disgusted with himself and awful for falling for his coworker, but she knew this was happening.

She was always suspicious of how much her husband chatted with his coworker and previously said to him that it was getting to be a slippery slope.

WavebreakMediaMicro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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