
Her Friend Ordered The Most Expensive Steak On The Menu And Expected Her To Pay For Everyone At Her Own Birthday Dinner, Even Though That Was Never The Plan

Andrey - - illustrative purposes only

It was recently this 24-year-old woman’s birthday, and to celebrate, she decided to go out to dinner with a group of her friends.

Six people attended the meal in total, including her 25-year-old friend named Anna, who has a bit of a bad reputation for being a “freeloader.”

She was in charge of making the reservation for her birthday dinner, and she chose a pretty nice restaurant. Beforehand, she also told all of her guests that she’d be covering the cost of the appetizers and desserts as a way to say “thank you” for celebrating her birthday with her.

“But I made it clear that they’d need to pay for their own main courses and drinks,” she recalled.

Come the evening of her birthday dinner, everything started off well, too. However, that was until it was time to place their food orders.

Apparently, most of her friends ordered some “reasonably priced” entrees. Her friend Anna, on the other hand, decided to get the most expensive steak on the menu.

“It was almost double the price of what everyone else was ordering. I was a bit taken aback but didn’t say anything at the moment,” she explained.

Unfortunately, though, some drama reared its ugly head once the bill arrived. At that point, she followed through on her promise – paying for the appetizers and desserts. Then, the rest of her friends began to chip in for their drinks and entrees.

Yet, Anna actually just sat there and didn’t throw in any money for the bill. So, she eventually asked for her friend’s share, and Anna had the nerve to say, “Oh, I thought you were treating us since it’s your birthday!”

Andrey – – illustrative purposes only

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