
Her Family Kept Making Fun Of Her Appearance, So She Snapped And Said Her Sister Wouldn’t Have Dropped Out Of College For A Man Who Cheated On Her If She Wasn’t So Shallow And Focused On Looks

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Did you grow up in a family where a sibling or relative was referred to as “the pretty one,” and it wasn’t you?

One woman recently snapped at her sister, who made fun of her appearance during a recent family gathering.

She’s 24 and has always had a complicated relationship with her family, who always picked on her because of her appearance. She has an older sister, who’s always been called “the pretty one,” while she’s been called “the smart one.”

On top of that, her family has been known to make little jabs at her appearance, which they’d brush off as “jokes.” Their comments would always hurt her feelings, and for a long time, she’d try to dismiss them as typical family teasing.

“Recently, it all came to a head at a family gathering where my sister was showing off her new engagement ring,” she said.

“Everyone was congratulating her, and then someone made a joke about how I should get some beauty tips from her if I ever want to find a partner because it was obvious I was too homely to ever be in a relationship.”

Unfortunately, instead of sticking up for her, her sister contributed to the bullying. She said she should stick to reading books because “fictional love” was all she was good for.

To make matters worse, her sister’s fiancé also chimed in, saying she should put down her books and pick up a gym membership. She thought he had a lot of nerve, considering he wasn’t so perfect himself, and their entire family knew he cheated on her sister once.

Finally, she had enough and snapped. She turned to her sister and said, “Maybe if you weren’t so shallow and focused on looks, you wouldn’t have dropped out of college for a man who cheated on you.”

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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