
Her Boyfriend Wants Her To Help Pay Child Support On His Kid

She does agree with that, but there’s a housing crisis going on in their area, and she was desperate to find somewhere to live.

Her mom and dad are helping her pay her rent right now, and her boyfriend believes if she moves back in with him, she should continue to accept this money from her parents.

She retorted that she couldn’t believe he wasn’t willing to help her out, yet thinks it’s acceptable for her to keep taking money from her mom and dad.

Her boyfriend remarked that he didn’t want to ultimately end up like her parents, giving her money to help her afford to live.

“He wants me to show him that I am able to handle my own bills with this cheap rent because if I can’t, then he doesn’t see how it would work with a mortgage,” she continued.

“I don’t disagree with that logic, but again, I only asked for this split for one year, and then we’d go back to 50/50.”

“I love my boyfriend very much, and I know he loves me. We have both compromised on many other things, but this is the big one for me…Do I say let’s put everything into the pot, including child support? It doesn’t seem fair to me, but perhaps I’m too involved to see it.”

What do you think she should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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