Categories: Relationships

Her Boyfriend Got Rid Of Her Expensive Doll Collection Behind Her Back And Said It’s Time For Her To Grow Up

Bre Avery Zacharski

This 25-year-old girlfriend recently found out that she and her 40-year-old boyfriend are pregnant with their first baby, and they have been dating for a year and a half.

Ever since she was 12, she started collecting a specific brand of dolls and accessories to go along with them.

She has a lot of passion for her dolls, and she has a significant collection after spending 13 years on her hobby.

Many of her dolls are extremely expensive, and she planned on passing her dolls down to her child one day.

She’s no longer a kid herself, so she doesn’t play with any of the dolls in her collection. Instead, she has many shelves in her office where she displays them.

She also has a couple of her favorite dolls in her bedroom, as well as some placed in the living room on a bookshelf.

Her boyfriend has a room in their home dedicated to his hobbies, which are cigars and guitars, so she never thought he had a problem with her dolls.

“He has said before he thought they were more for kids, but at the same time, he’s bought me dolls, even helping me find rare ones at times, so I thought he came around to them, and I was surprised to find, after going to visit my dad for a few days, that he had gotten rid of my entire collection when I came back,” she explained.

“Everything is gone. I haven’t stopped crying since I got back, and we had the biggest fight. He said he made the decision because now that we’re having a baby it’s time for me to grow up and get rid of them, but he thought it would be easier on me if he did it when I wasn’t there.”

Sergio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Bre Avery Zacharski

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