
He Wouldn’t Switch Seats With A Pregnant Woman During His 12-Hour Flight From NYC To Hawaii, But Then He Felt Awkward The Whole Trip

The flight attendant was understanding and ushered the pregnant woman along, walking with her to see if anyone else would be willing to give up their more spacious seat.

Unfortunately, all the other passengers were even more cold and hardly paid any attention to the pregnant woman.

Then, the pregnant woman approached him again and said he couldn’t understand what it was like to be carrying around a baby in the summer heat. She was upset and eventually went back to her seat.

“Throughout the flight, I felt awkward passing by her every time on the way to the bathroom,” he said.

“When I landed, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I’m a young man without the burden of carrying a child in me and totally could’ve sacrificed a bit.”

He began to wonder if he was wrong for prioritizing his comfort over a random pregnant woman’s.

Was he wrong not to give up his seat for the pregnant woman, or was it alright for him to put himself first?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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