
He Uninvited His Mom From His Wedding After She Threw A Drink At His Fiancée During Their Engagement Dinner

“She seemed dazed the whole night, just staring almost in a trance,” he explained.

“Then, out of nowhere, she took her drink and just doused Becky.”

He suddenly became furious and screamed at his mom for what she did, but she hardly reacted. Becky began crying, and everyone began comforting her.

Everyone at the party was concerned about his mom’s behavior and the fact that she hardly responded to what she had just done.

He finally got his mom to talk to him. She simply said she didn’t know why she threw the drink. A little while after the engagement dinner, he limited his contact with his mom, and she visibly started getting better. She seemed a bit more upbeat and gained some weight back.

Eventually, his mom also met a new guy, and things looked a lot better for her.

He was extremely angry with her because even though she had gotten better, she refused to acknowledge her throwing a drink at Becky and why she did it.

“If she threw it at me, I would’ve let it go, but to throw it at Becky [was ridiculous],” he added.

“My mom has apologized but [claims] she doesn’t remember that night or why she did it. My sister says we need to let it go, but I can’t, and Becky can’t, so my mom is not invited to the wedding.”

Should he reconsider inviting his mom, or was the incident too intense?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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