
He Told His Wife To Stop Spending $45 Every Week On Burgers

A_B_C - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 42-year-old man has a 33-year-old sister-in-law who began selling burgers every Saturday in order to make some extra cash.

While she does work a full-time office job Monday through Friday and makes decent money at that, she’s pregnant with her ex’s baby, and he’s no longer around.

So that led his sister-in-law to come up with a plan to sell burgers on the side in order to help herself prepare for life as a single mom.

Every single Saturday, his 40-year-old wife purchases burgers for them and their three children. The problem he has is that his sister-in-law sells each burger for $9, so his wife is spending $45 on burgers on the weekends.

“The burgers are tasty, don’t get me wrong, but she is using my [mother-in-law’s] recipe, which my wife also knows, so I don’t see why we should spend $45 weekly on burgers when my wife can make identical ones at home, and we would spend less money on ingredients,” he explained.

“To be clear, technically, we can afford SIL’s burger comfortably; I just don’t see why we should when there are cheaper options.”

“I tried to talk about it with my wife, and she said she mostly buys because she wants to support her sister. I told her it’s not our job to support her sister; as I said, the burgers are tasty, and every weekend, they are sold out in a couple of hours, so I don’t think losing our 5 burgers would put a dent in her business.”

This past Saturday, he insisted once again that his wife should quit buying burgers, and his wife demanded to know why he cared so much since she’s been using her own personal money.

He and his wife have one joint account, along with separate accounts for their own savings, so they can spend how they want.

A_B_C – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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