
He Sold His Home To Get Rid Of His Three Adult Stepchildren, Who Didn’t Pay Rent Or Help Out Around The House

For the last few months, his stepchildren have refused to clean up after themselves and have treated him and the house very poorly. After hiring a cleaner, he realized it wasn’t worth living in that house anymore, and to encourage his stepchildren to move on with their lives, he decided to sell it.

He broke the news of the sale to his stepchildren well in advance, and they stuck around despite for-sale signs in the front yard and open houses being held.

To his surprise, the house sold quickly and for a great price. He decided he’d like to move on with his life and move into his vacation cabin.

“I gave each kid $10,000 and told them the house was sold,” he recalled.

“Now they are upset with me for throwing them out of their home, but they never treated it like much more than a place to sleep. I think their mom would be disgusted with how they treated me and our home.”

Should he feel bad for selling his home and forcing his stepchildren to find a new place to live, or was his decision valid?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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