
He Made His Ex Cry After She Tried Body-Shaming Both Him And His Girlfriend At An Engagement Party

Viktoriia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Viktoriia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Running into an ex is never fun, no matter where you are or what the circumstances are. Sometimes, these run-ins even end in disaster.

One man recently made his ex cry after snapping at her when she continued to make snide remarks about his current girlfriend at a party they were all coincidentally attending.

During his undergraduate years, he briefly dated a girl named Erin. After a few dates, he didn’t feel much of a romantic spark, and when he broke the news to Erin, she flipped out. After the breakup, she became extremely upset and would leave him angry voicemails and call him non-stop.

Since he finished undergrad, Erin’s emotional tirade eventually ended, and he is happily with a new girlfriend.

He and his girlfriend were recently invited to a mutual friend’s engagement party and found out just before attending that Erin would be there. Because it’s been years since their breakup, he figured things would be fine and that he wouldn’t have to worry about any drama.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

At the party, things were going well, and his girlfriend got along with everyone. Then, he ran into Erin. Erin immediately started making jabs at him, saying she almost didn’t recognize him with his “dad bod” and that his girlfriend was extremely thin.

“I asked Erin to please leave me alone for the night, and she just stomped away,” he recalled.

“I found my girlfriend, and we were hanging out and having fun until Erin came up to us. My girlfriend introduced herself politely before I could say something and complimented Erin’s nails.”

Viktoriia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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