
He Left His Girlfriend At The Airport After He Caught Her Texting Another Guy And Wouldn’t Show Him The Messages

Katie Chizhevskaya - - illustrative purposes only
Katie Chizhevskaya - - illustrative purposes only

When you and your partner decide to be exclusive, there should be strict boundaries in place. For instance, when you’re exclusive with someone, you shouldn’t be texting people you met on dating apps.

One man recently left his girlfriend at the airport while they were traveling abroad because he caught her texting a guy she met on a dating app.

He met his girlfriend one year after getting divorced. Around five months in, he caught his girlfriend texting her ex, and when he confronted her about it, they had a productive chat and agreed to be exclusive, and she’d stop texting other guys.

Three months later, they decided to go on a big trip, as they live abroad, and wanted to visit Vegas, Los Angeles, and New York City.

In the middle of their trip, in the Los Angeles airport, his girlfriend asked him to look at her phone and check her airline app for any information on luggage size. 

“I can’t see anything about carry-ons, so I hit ‘share’ to see if I could get more booking info,” he recalled.

“The first people that pop up are her most recent conversations. The first one is a random guy I’ve never heard of or seen before.”

When he asked his girlfriend who the guy in her contacts was, she said he was only a friend and admitted she had been texting him the previous day. He continued to push his girlfriend, wanting to know more about this mystery guy.

He asked if she had a romantic past with the man, and his girlfriend said no, that he was only a friend. He asked how long they had been chatting, and she said they had been for a while.

Katie Chizhevskaya – – illustrative purposes only

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