
He Kicked His Friend Out Of His Wedding For Proposing In The Middle Of It

Vadym - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Just two days ago, this 29-year-old man tied the knot with his incredible 29-year-old wife. They spent several years planning their wedding day, and they were so hoping it would be perfect for them.

Sadly, things did not go according to plan, and one of his friends ruined the day for him and his wife.

“I had only one request for my friends: please, do not propose to your girlfriends at our wedding,” he explained.

“I suspected one of my friends might try this because he had been talking about proposing, not directly to me, but to another friend. I specifically asked him not to do it.”

Now, small public service announcement: I think everyone can agree it’s considered extremely rude to propose at someone’s wedding, as it definitely steals attention away from the bride and groom.

Weddings cost a couple a lot of time and money, so you never want to overshadow newlyweds by doing something selfish like whipping out a ring in the middle of the crowd.

But anyway, he figured his friend he was worried about would respect his wishes, and he wouldn’t have to be concerned about a rogue proposal.

“The wedding night was magical,” he said. “I had prepared a special song to sing to my wife, a little piece that meant the world to us.”

“As the music was coming to an end, my friend suddenly emerged from the crowd with his girlfriend and proposed to her right then and there. I felt so betrayed.”

Vadym – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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