
He Immediately Ghosted His Boyfriend After He Was Asked To Open Up Their Relationship

Aleksandr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Aleksandr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you start dating someone, you need to be very clear about what you want from a relationship and what you expect from your partner. Certain details, like if you wish to be monogamous or not, are very important.

One man recently ghosted his boyfriend after he told him he wanted to be in an open relationship.

He and his former boyfriend are in their 20s and began dating right after the pandemic first kicked in. Things were going well until five months ago when his boyfriend began acting very different and cold.

Being terrified of and appalled by cheating, he confronted his boyfriend and asked if anything was going on. His boyfriend told him not to worry; he was just stressed from his bartending job.

“Then, out of nowhere, he became very close, texting me every morning and wanting to be around me 24/7,” he recalled.

“At the end of June, he asked me on a date [and] in the middle of our dinner, he looked me dead in the eyes and said he wants to open [our] relationship.”

He told his boyfriend he considered an open relationship to be a “relationship ender” in his eyes. Then, to his dismay, his boyfriend revealed he felt opening their relationship would be the only way to save it.

“I stood up, told him it was over, left [money] on the table and left,” he said.

“After that, I blocked him and [still haven’t] talked to him. He has come to my apartment, left voicemails of him crying, and asked mutual friends to contact me. I told them it was over the second he asked for an open relationship.”

Aleksandr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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