
He Got Dumped By His Girlfriend For Still Having Sleepovers With His Female Friend

serhiibobyk  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
serhiibobyk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When the word sleepover comes up, I think of little kids watching movies, eating some snacks, and having pillow fights.

Sleepovers pretty much die out alongside your childhood, and it’s not something you usually think adults participate in.

But this 21-year-old guy says it’s perfectly normal for him to still have sleepovers with his friends, including a girl he’s close with.

He was dating a 20-year-old girl, but she actually just dumped him because she was not alright with him having these kinds of sleepovers, which included this female friend of his.

“These sleepovers were always in a group setting, never just the two of us, and we obviously never shared a bed,” he explained.

“She brought up her discomfort about the sleepovers multiple times, and each time, I explained that they were important for the group dynamic.”

He and his friends enjoy getting together and having a couple of drinks. Instead of catching an Uber ride home afterward, they prefer to crash on one another’s couches.

His girlfriend knew about the sleepovers since he started dating her, so it’s not like he hid this information about what he likes to do in his free time.

As he got dumped, his girlfriend was visibly upset about her decision to walk away from their relationship.

serhiibobyk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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