
He Found Out His Girlfriend Cheated In All Four Of Her Past Relationships, So He’s Considering Breaking Up With Her - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old man and his girlfriend, who’s also 23, have been together for six months. But, just last weekend, his entire view of their relationship changed.

It all began on Saturday when his girlfriend stayed over at his place. They wound up drinking together, getting drunk, and talking about their past relationships.

It was during this discussion that he found out during all four of his girlfriend’s past “serious” relationships she’d cheated on her partners.

Now, right after she confessed to that, she claimed that things were “different” with him. She claimed that she’d matured and wanted to stay with him forever.

He didn’t voice his shock at the time, and once they talked a little longer, his girlfriend wound up staying the night. But, while he was working from home on Monday, he couldn’t stop thinking about their conversation.

When they discussed their drunken Saturday night on Sunday, his girlfriend said that she didn’t remember anything they’d talked about.

“I don’t know if it’s true or if she was just pretending not to remember, but this has left me reconsidering our relationship,” he admitted.

According to him, his girlfriend’s last “serious” relationship only ended four months before they began dating. So, he really doesn’t think it’s possible that his girlfriend “matured” so much – and outgrew her cheating habits – in that short amount of time.

“And the truth is that I wanted to bring up the topic to talk about on Sunday, but she immediately said that she didn’t remember anything and that it hurt her head to think about it,” he recalled. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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