Has someone ever pulled a prank on you or tricked you, and you could never let it go?
One man recently had to fire his brother from his business after he tried to sabotage it to get revenge for an old prank.
He’s 35 and has a younger brother who is 32. When they were kids, he played a prank on his brother that really messed with him.
When he was around 12 years old, he took his brother’s favorite action figure and hid it in their backyard. His little brother looked for it for days before finally finding it, but by then, it was dirty and slightly broken.
His little brother was extremely upset, and he quickly apologized, but his brother still held a grudge as they got older.
“Fast forward to adulthood, I started a small but successful landscaping business,” he explained.
“A few years ago, my brother was struggling to find steady work, so I offered him a job. He accepted, and things were fine at first. He worked hard, and I thought we had moved past our childhood issues.”
Things were going well for a while, and his brother seemed to be a good employee, but about a year ago, weird things started happening with his business. Equipment would go missing out of the blue, and some of his clients would unexpectedly cancel their services, causing his business to take a hit financially.
As months passed, he wondered if the issues were coming from someone within the business. He decided to set up security cameras to see if he could catch someone messing with his equipment and client information, and sure enough, he did.
auremar – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“The footage showed my brother tampering with equipment, deleting important client emails, and even forging cancellation notices,” he recalled.
“I confronted him, and after initially denying it, he broke down and admitted everything. He said he never forgave me for the prank and wanted to get back at me. He knew how much the business meant to me and wanted to see me struggle as payback.”
He was furious and heartbroken, never expecting their petty sibling rivalry to get in the way of something so important. He decided to fire his brother on the spot.
When he later told his parents, they were understanding. But, he later found out his brother had begun telling other relatives and friends that he was fired unjustly.
“Now, I’m getting calls and messages from relatives who don’t know the full story, calling me heartless and urging me to reconcile with my brother,” he added.
“He’s struggling financially again, and they think I should rehire him out of family loyalty. But I can’t bring myself to do it.”
Should he consider rehiring his brother?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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