
He Evicted His Sister After Her Kids Went Into His Wife’s Art Studio, Damaged Several Paintings, And She Acted Like It Was No Big Deal

“When we returned and saw the disaster, Julie was in tears,” he recalled.

“I confronted Emma, but she downplayed the incident, saying they were just kids and didn’t understand the importance of what they did.”

Emma then began making excuses, telling him it had been hard to keep track of her kids because of her financial woes and stress. Despite that, he was still furious about what happened, and Julie was devastated.

Because of the incident, he asked Emma to take her kids and leave his house. Although Emma tried apologizing for what happened, he was too angry to accept any of her apologies.

Emma and her kids eventually left his house to stay with a friend, but now some of his relatives are telling him he was too harsh and should’ve shown more compassion towards Emma. Although Julie supported his decision of making them leave, he feels guilty.

Should he feel guilty, or was he being reasonable when he asked Emma and her kids to leave his house?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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