
He Evicted His Sister After Her Kids Went Into His Wife’s Art Studio, Damaged Several Paintings, And She Acted Like It Was No Big Deal

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever had a friend or relative’s kid destroy something of yours?

Most parents are extremely apologetic when that happens and do what they can to make things right. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.

One man recently kicked his sister and her two kids out of his house after her kids snuck into his wife’s valuable workroom and destroyed her artwork.

He and his wife, Julie, are in their mid-30s and have two children. Julie is a working artist and, in their home, has her own studio where she keeps all of her artwork and art supplies. It’s a very sacred room as not only is her one space dedicated to her work, but it’s where she goes to relax.

Recently, his older sister, Emma, and her two children, who are both under 10, came to stay with him and his family while they were going through some financial hardships.

“Julie and I decided to take them in temporarily until they could get back on their feet,” he explained.

“We explained the importance of [Julie’s] workshop and asked Emma to make sure her kids stayed out of it.”

Things went well with their new living situation until a week ago when Julie was working on a very important commissioned piece for an art gallery.

One afternoon, he and Julie were out running errands, and Emma’s kids managed to get inside Julie’s studio. They took her paints and drew all over some of her canvases, including many unfinished pieces.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only

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