
He Broke Up With His Girlfriend Because She Became Really Self-Loathing, And He Doesn’t Think You Can Love Someone If You Don’t Love Yourself

He clarified that he really doesn’t think his girlfriend stopped loving him due to her struggles.

“But I do know that you can’t be in a healthy relationship if you refuse to make yourself healthy,” he reasoned.

Despite that, people in his life have had some mixed reactions regarding his breakup. Some people understood his thought process, while others think he should’ve stood by his girlfriend’s side because he loved her and she’d eventually get through this.

So now, he’s been left wondering if breaking up with his girlfriend due to her mental health struggles was justified or just made him a jerk.

Do you agree with his perspective on the importance of self-love for healthy relationships? Did he do the right thing by breaking up with his girlfriend or not? What would you have done?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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