
He Bought His Girlfriend A Gym Membership So She’d Stop Working Out At Her Coworker’s Home Gym, Who He Recently Found Out Is A Guy, But She Called Him Controlling

magdal3na - - illustrative purposes only
magdal3na - - illustrative purposes only

This man is currently in a relationship, and his girlfriend enjoys working out regularly. However, she doesn’t actually go to a commercial gym.

Rather, she has a coworker named “Taylor,” who has a home gym, so she always just goes and works out at Taylor’s house.

“I always assumed that Taylor was a girl, and my girlfriend never gives me many details, so I never thought otherwise,” he recalled.

Just recently, though, he found out that Taylor is actually a male coworker, and it’s making him feel uneasy.

He claimed that he’s never possessive or controlling in their relationship, but the workout arrangement simply makes him uncomfortable.

“I feel like it’s inappropriate for her to always be at some other guy’s house, especially since she prefers evening/night workouts,” he explained.

He tried to talk to his girlfriend about his concerns, too, but she just said going to Taylor’s house and working out with him was more convenient. She pointed out how expensive gym memberships are nowadays and said that she didn’t earn that much at work.

He also understood his girlfriend’s reasoning, so despite the whole situation making him uncomfortable, he didn’t keep pushing.

But, just the other day, he decided to buy his girlfriend some gift cards for an expensive gym that would cover a six-month membership for her. Plus, once the six months were up, he promised that he’d be happy to continue paying for her membership to the gym.

magdal3na – – illustrative purposes only

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