
He And His Wife Are Struggling Financially, But She Wants To Get A Tattoo With Money She Hid From Him

shellygraphy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the last nine months, this 26-year-old man has been supporting his 25-year-old wife after she quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom to their son.

Right after his wife gave birth, they started battling some credit card debt that seems to hover at around $500 to $1,000 despite his best efforts to pay it all down.

Then, his wife went to the hospital for a bit a month after having their baby, plus their two cars needed new tires, and he’s been struggling with paying those bills as well.

Adding to everything, their house will require a bit of maintenance in the near future so he will have to find the money for that.

He and his wife have absolutely been struggling financially, so she never got him a Christmas or birthday present.

He did expect her to at least make him a handwritten card, but when she didn’t, he expressed to her that his feelings were hurt.

A few arguments and discussions followed, but he thought they mostly worked through that speed bump.

Recently, he splurged on buying himself a gift for Father’s Day, as it’s clear his wife wasn’t going to do that for him, which he has come to terms with.

“I knew from the start there would be lots of added stress, and I would have to make sacrifices to start a family,” he explained.

shellygraphy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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