
An 81-Year-Old Woman Went Missing In The Woods And Was Rescued By One Heroic Police Dog

Lisa F. Young - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

One of the most terrifying feelings has to be when you discover that a loved one, especially a much older or younger loved one, has gone missing.

The moment one realizes that their friend or relative has vanished without word or warning, it must send chills down the spine.

While there are so many tragic stories of people who’ve gone missing in the world, every once in a while, you read hopeful and miraculous ones about some of them being found and brought home.

One of these stories is that of an elderly woman in Michigan who was discovered lost in the woods and rescued by hardworking local police and one outstanding police K-9.

On July 2nd, troopers from the Michigan State Police were sent to a home in Richland Township in Ogemaw County after a family reported that their 81-year-old relative was missing and hadn’t been seen since the previous night.

“A family member reported last seeing her around 10 PM the night before and advised she uses a cane for walking,” wrote the MSP Third District in a social media statement.

To make matters more intense, when troopers searched the family’s home, a motorized chair, coat, purse, and cell phone, all belonging to the missing woman, were found in the garage.

While usually, that’s a terrifying indicator that something has gone incredibly wrong, the Michigan State Police Canine Team used the belongings to make heroic progress in the search for this woman.

Trooper Whited and his K-9, Loki, of the Canine Team, immediately got to work, with Loki using the scent of the missing woman’s belongings to begin tracking her.

Lisa F. Young – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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