
After Her Boyfriend Proposed, He Woke Her Up That Night And Confessed To Sending Steamy Texts To Another Girl - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Yesterday afternoon, this 24-year-old girl’s 26-year-old boyfriend proposed to her while on an international vacation. The proposal itself was thoughtful and adorable.

To her, it was literally the best day she could picture. They went to dinner to celebrate their engagement, and she passed out in their hotel room after excitedly telling her family over the phone that she’s going to be tying the knot.

A few hours later, her boyfriend woke her up to confess that he cheated on her three years ago. They were in a long-distance relationship, and her boyfriend sent some steamy texts to a girl he knew from high school one evening.

Their spicy exchange happened for two nights in a row, and it didn’t turn physical or progress from there.

Her boyfriend told his best friend and mom right after it all went down, but he decided to keep it a secret from her.

She and her boyfriend live with his mom, so it’s super hurtful to her that his mom has been comfortably keeping this secret, too, for years while interacting with her on a daily basis.

As for why her boyfriend engaged in the text messages in the first place, he admitted the distance in their own relationship made him insecure, and he missed being physical with her.

“I am devastated and don’t know who to talk to about this,” she explained. “I’ve been hyperventilating and am on the verge of throwing up.”

“We just signed for an apartment together last week, and I literally just called all my close relatives and friends to share the news of our engagement.” – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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